About Us

      Allow me to introduce you to our Multi Servicios Inc, a multicultural educational and business services company. As you know, the global business environment today is a multicultural one. Multi Servicios is offering educational options for companies interested in doing business in the Hispanic world.

      While general business considerations are essentially the same all over the world, business style and cultures differ greatly among the twenty-one Spanish-speaking countries. What is customary and appropriate in one country may be considered unusual or even offensive in another.

      The increasingly competitive market calls for individualized approaches to each national market. The success of your venture outside your home market depends largely upon preparation. The American style of business is not universally accepted. Yet companies send executives, salespeople, technicians, and other employees to negotiate or carry out contracts with little or no understanding of the cultural differences in the ways people communicate and do business with each other. How many business deals have been lost because of this cultural myopia?

      Globalization is a process which is drawing people together from all nations of the world into a single community linked by the vast network of communication technologies. Technological breakthroughs in the past two decades have made instant communication between individuals around the world an affordable reality.

      Our company offers an energetic and highly-qualified staff to assist you in any business- related venture in the Spanish-speaking world. We are very proud of the reputation we have earned in working with large multicultural organizations.

Mission Statement

      To Guide North Americans and anybody with the desire to learn the Spanish Language to communicate effectively between Hispanics Governments, business or in regular daily living activities. Helping to understanding the language, customs and attitudes of other cultures while interacting in harmony and success in the worldwide business.